The morning of the ServSafe exam I came in early to set everything up; hooking up the projector, getting the packets laid out, posting the session number and preparing the sign in sheet. As people started to arrive I had to follow protocol, take an ID and have them sign in. I was scheduled to have twenty-one participants, but as time came and went, we had five no-shows.

As I read off the beginning pages of the introduction I was starting to feel more comfortable, because after all these people were here to take a test, not me. With most people taking notes and others just sitting there listening to me (some not even paying attention); I began to play the two hundred ninety slide slideshow. While playing the corresponding videos for each section, I was able to make good timing and still deliver good content and knowledge. Problems began though when the computer and projector started having issues. It kept kicking me out of my show, and I would have to restart the program. Luckily, we had a break coming up and I had help with figuring out solutions. So with the issues resolved I was able to finish the class strong and hand out the exams. While not being able to express how my class did, I can say that I was proud of how I taught and I believe I was able to teach everyone something that day.