Why is the Hospitality Industry such a revolving door for employees? Well considering pay usually isn’t a driving force as to why someone would join the Industry, let’s start there. People who work in food business generally don’t plan on working in it their entire lives. In fact, for most it can just be an “in between thing.”
Let’s talk about those employees that work there for their love and passion of food. Upon an initial interview, they may be asked to come back and perform a Stage. A Stage is a working interview that shows the employer exactly what kind of cook you are and the skills you possess- things that they are looking for. However, this also gives the employee an opportunity to look at the establishment and see how it functions, gives and insight on standards and how others around them treat one another. The person applying must be just as impressed as the person hiring.
If both parties agree and the applicate is hired, what’s next for the employer? How do they ensure that their new hire becomes a long term employee? Lets start with the basics; are you doing everything you said you would do upon your initial interview? Are you creating a good work environment for them? Have you provided them with the proper training to ensure that they can accurately do their job?
Sometimes the hardest part isn’t hiring the right employee, its keeping them.
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